Take a look at the flexible payment options Utyla offers for you to get started with video interviewing instantly. No setup. No commitment. Guarenteed!
Per Session
Per Month
On Demand
Monthly Subscription
Two-way live video conferencing – similar to Face to Face Interview
Group Interviews
Feedback Management of the interview – Both Interviewer and Interviewee
Panel Interviews
Interview Recording and Storage for retrieval
Interview Evaluation Management
Sharing interview comments, scores, evaluation with other interviewers
Scoring / Ranking of completed interviews
Storage of interview comments, scores, evaluation with other interviewers
Multiple interviews concurrently
Interview Scheduling
Interview Invitations
Time Zone management for scheduling and notifications
One-way pre-recorded interview
Customized Pre-recorded interviewer/interview introduction
Customizable interview question bank
Video or written job descriptions for interviewee consumption
E-mail interaction between interview panel members
Re-recording the response for an interviewee
Timer to limit recordings
On screen timer or time clock to the interviewee
Customizable Think Time for a question
Configurable time limits by the interviewer / HR Manager on a case to case basis
Configurable time duration for each interview
Invite multiple interviewers during a live interview
Live Chat functionality during interviews between interviewers and interviewees